10. E is for: Enneagram PART ONE

How can the enneagram be used to not only learn more about you and how you perceive things, but how you can use it in your business. In episode 10 of Aesthetically Speaking, we dive into the Enneagram personality typing system, which is desire-based and focuses on core motivations rather than behavior. 

As we talk about the first four types of the enneagram, Abby walks us through what each type means as Rebecca gives her expert design advice on how she would incorporate that into a brand. Also giving examples of some well-known brands that fit into each enneagram type.

This episode will cover type 1: the reformer; type two: the "helper;" type three: the "achiever;" and type four: which is described as sensitive, creative, and internally focused.


In this episode Rebecca & Abby share:

  • What the enneagram is
  • The enneagram type that resonates with each of us most
  • A brief description of what each enneagram type stands for
  • Abby helps Rebecca sort through which type she may really be
  • How you can use your enneagram type to know how to market your business
  • Well known brands that fit each type




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