I Know Why You’re Not Consistent in Your Business (and I Know How to Fix It, Too)
Aug 21, 2021Consistency is important when it comes to building and sustaining your business. If you’re inconsistent in what you offer or who you offer it to, then people won’t understand who or what you are and they’ll look elsewhere. Finding consistency difficult? Don’t worry, I can help.
My Only Consistency Was Inconsistency
Consistency is not my jam. I don’t know what it is but I really struggle to be consistent with anything—exercise, drinking water, journaling, I could literally go on and on. I used to really struggle to be consistent in my business, too.
I knew I should post on Instagram, but I didn’t know what to post.
I knew I should send a marketing email, but I didn’t know what to say.
Occasionally, I would get a burst of energy and do something to move my business forward, but for the most part, I was inconsistent AF.
But then (I feel like I’m writing a murder mystery haha), something changed. (Dun, dun, dun!)
Finding My Consistency
It’s like something CLICKED and I started being more consistent in my business! I started showing up on Instagram 5x a week. I started blogging regularly. I even filed my taxes ON TIME every quarter (I know, I know, I’m amazing).
At first I thought I was becoming more disciplined. And maybe that was part of it, but I think the real reason I’ve been able to be so consistent in my business is because I know what works! When you don’t have any evidence that what you’re doing is making a difference, it’s pretty easy to not do it. But when I saw that specific behaviors were directly connected to signing clients and making money, you bet your bottom dollar that it got easier to be consistent in those behaviors!
If you’re struggling with consistency, let me first say that there is hope. You’re not broken. You’re probably passionate about too many things, distracted by perfectionism, or afraid of failure. (Not trying to attack anyone, I’m describing myself here.)
Second, if you want to be more consistent in your business, start by figuring out what’s working and isn’t working in your business.
Make Two Lists
Seriously, I want you to literally sit down and make a list of all the things that are WORKING in your business. Do you have positive relationships with your Instagram followers? Start seeing the evidence of success in what you’re already doing.
Then identify what’s NOT working. Do you just hate doing Instagram reels? (Same.) Are you stretched too thin? Is the quality of your work slipping? Whatever it is, knowing what’s not working will help you to make decisions about what to do next.
Now look at your lists. How can you do more of what’s working? Is there a way to turn some of your weaknesses into strengths? For example, if your strength is your relationship with your Instagram followers, but you’re feeling overwhelmed coming up with content to post three times a day, what’s the solution?
Well, depending on your brand, you could ask your followers to help you out by sending in pics for you to use. Or, you could try posting twice a day and see what happens. Your content (and sanity) may be better for it! The key is to take an honest look at where you are, that’s the only way you’ll know what steps to take next.
Lack of Decision-Making
A lot of my clients aren’t consistent in their business branding because they don’t know what their brand IS. They keep changing their mind about what fonts or colors to use because they’ve never gone through the brand strategy + design process (shameless plug for my Branded program here)!
Maybe you can’t decide because everything seems so amazing! Or perhaps you don’t have a good enough handle on what you want your business to look and feel like. Or could it be that all those choices make you feel frozen because what if you make the wrong choice?
If this is you, I encourage you to slow down and take the time to figure out what your business is all about—whether that means working with a brand strategist like me, or just pulling out your journal and doing some major self-reflection. Don’t sell yourself short. Your business has incredible potential if you just take the time to develop it.
Once you really understand your business it will be infinitely easier to make the decisions you need to and, once you’ve made those choices, it will help you be more consistent. (And probably more inspired!)
Monitor Your Behavior
The last piece of advice I have for anyone who wants to become more consistent is to track your behavior. I know this is so scary because you’re worried that you’ll mess up and you won’t be able to get back on track. I’ve been there.
Here’s the thing though: you can’t improve what you don’t measure. You’ve GOT to track your daily/weekly/monthly efforts to grow your business. Make a chart and promise yourself that no matter how badly you do, you’ll keep tracking for a whole month. Then do it for another month. And another. And another. The real secret to consistency is not being perfect, but being consistent in trying!
What if you forget to keep track for a day (or two or three)? Start up again! It’s worth it to keep trying, even if it takes a few tries.
Your Consistency Starts Today
If I could become more consistent, then I know that you can too. Once you start seeing your progress, feeling good about the work you’re doing, and see the benefit to your business, it will get easier and easier to be consistent.
So, what are you waiting for? Make those lists and start on them today! I can’t wait to see how your business grows with each step you make toward consistency.
Need Some Help with Your Brand?
I offer 1x1 brand strategy + design services for online business owners, and now I've packaged my entire process into a self-guided online course to help you look legit and become the coolest brand on Instagram. This isn't a guide on branding, it's a guide to figuring out YOUR BRAND. CHECK IT OUT HERE!