How to Attract Your Ideal Clients (For Real)

brand messaging Dec 20, 2022

There are 4 things you must do to attract your ideal client and they all come back to what you say and how you say it. It's not enough to have a great offer, you have to be able to talk about it (and talk about it in a way that makes people want to buy it!

  1. You have to know what problems your clients are actually experiencing as it relates to your products/services/business. Sometimes this is an actual problem but sometimes what you’re selling is more of an opportunity or chance to fulfill a really beautiful desire! If you have no idea, start by doing some polls on your Instagram stories. Send out a survey in your email. ASK people what their goals are and why they think they’re not reaching them yet.
  2. You have to define those problems/opportunities using the same language your ideal client uses. If they wouldn’t say, “I can’t scale my business to reach seven figures,” then don’t say that! Say it how THEY would say it.
  3. Show your audience you really understand their situation and you really care. Tell stories about your own experiences and past clients. Validate their feelings, love them, and serve them without selling anything.
  4. Show them that you have the solution. Be the expert. Share tips or how-tos and advice directly related to the problem they’re experiencing. Call it out CLEARLY in your posts. If you want people to hire you, you have to understand the problem, articulate the value of your solution, and make it easy for them to say yes!

The truth is, a strategic brand and website is the best way to attract your ideal client because your brand will speak to them from a logical and emotional level! Follow me on Instagram for more tips on attracting your ideal client!

Thanks for reading!
♡♡♡ Rebecca


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