Thrive Family Wellness


Health & Wellness


Branding, Print Design


Natalie, CEO and Founder of Thrive Family Wellness was anxious to rebrand as she embarked on a geographical expansion of her business as well as the addition of new team members. Her primary objective was to maintain the authenticity of her unique perspective and professional ethos. We worked collaboratively to create a brand identity that conveyed her substantial educational background and her rigorous, science-based approach to diagnosing and addressing frustrating hormonal health challenges. The core focus of our branding efforts was to establish a clear differentiation from other healthcare providers through carefully crafted messaging and a strong emphasis on her layered framework and highly sensitive personal perspective.


We developed a comprehensive brand strategy and design for Thrive Family Wellness with exhaustive market research to establish the distinctive brand position, which involved a multi-layered health methodology as well as the unique perspective of Natalie herself. The strategy also included a competitive analysis, brand personality traits, and complete messaging guide, ensuring maximum consistency and recognition. Utilizing this strategy as a foundation, we then created a complete brand design, including logos, colors, imagery, and printed materials, all of which harmonized seamlessly with the core essence of Natalie's brand. 

Brand Strategy + Brand Design

The Thrive Family Wellness strategy centered around a well-defined target audience: women aged 40 and above, grappling with the challenges of achieving a healthy and vibrant life, particularly in the face of hormonal, gut, or unspecified health issues. These women were characterized by their sense of overwhelm due to the abundance of health information and skepticism for seemingly easy solutions. Recognizing the importance of sensitivity and sustainable change, we aimed to position Natalie as a gentle and trustworthy guide, encompassing health of mind, body, soul, (and gut). Highlighting Natalie's professional experience and personality, we designed a complete visual brand identity including a unique dandelion logo and logo variations, typography selections, colors, and imagery. The strategic design was focused on inspiring women to tap into their innate healing abilities, fostering a sense of empowerment and hope within this audience.


To elevate the standards of physical and emotional health for every person.


We empower women to experience true health through private consultations and healthcare services, products and supplements, and free online resources. As a result, women can have the physical energy, mental health, and spiritual wellness to be completely themselves.


Advocate Yourself to Health


  • True health is physical, mental, and spiritual
  • A positive mindset is the foundation for healthy living
  • You have the power and responsibility to take care of your own body
  • Healing is a slow, purposeful, and beautiful journey
  • Your body is intelligent and knows what it needs
  • Everyone deserves the opportunity to thrive—not just live

Design Note

The concept for Thrive Family Wellness was to use a visual symbol not typically associated with health and beauty. Natalie herself is living with an untreatable cancer and wanted a design that could reference her choice to embrace a happy, healthy lifestyle despite her diagnosis. The dandelion was the perfect choice because it’s known as an intrusive, common garden weed. However, it’s also a beautiful symbol of hope and faith, representing the magic of a child's wish. Juxtaposed with the iconic dandelion was a modern serif font, customized to connect each letter to the next, as suggestion that physical, mental, and spiritual health are all equal parts of an abundant life. The sky-inspired color palette of light blue, blossom pink, and a warm brown created the perfect grounded, earthy feel while still communicating serenity and sophistication.

Brand Application

After creating the Thrive Family Wellness, we used the brand aesthetic to design several additional marketing materials including display advertisements, business cards, and a 100 page cookbook and gut-healing protocol using recipes developed by Natalie and her team. Special consideration was given to the typography and layout of individual recipes to ensure proper cooking technique and ease of use for the reader. Photos provided by Thrive Family Wellness.

Client Feedback

"Absolutely blown away by the strategy and design! Perfect!"

—Natalie Postl, Founder + CEO

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